Lots of change in the air….
I got a new job! I start next week. I’ll be going
from a slow-paced/academic/think-tank environment to a faster-paced organization where
I’ll be more involved with public policy, and hopefully get back to doing more international work, which is something I have missed. I’m very excited for the change in pace and
the chance to do something new. My schedule is going to change quite a bit,
though. Right now I can set my own hours and usually work from ~7:30 – 4. At
the new place the hours are set at 9-6, which will leave me plenty of time for
going to the gym in the morning. The downside is that I’ll have no excuse not
to go to the gym in the morning. :(
Posting may be sporadic as I adjust to the new schedule. This is part of the reason I've been wanting a "low maintenance" garden this year. Work on that is still underway. Wherever you are, I hope you're enjoying the changes of Spring!