Saturday, July 17, 2010

Red, Ripe Tomatoes

We harvested all of these tomatoes on Tuesday evening, right before a thunderstorm hit. The big tomaotes on the left are the pink beefsteaks--NOT very pink, unfortunately. But they're huge and I can't wait to taste them. The small red peppers in the right-hand bowl are fajita bells. And on the right is just over 2 pints worth of the sweetest, most delicious grape tomatoes. I love July!
patio princess tomato plant 7/17/10


  1. I bet they are delicious and they are pretty too" Salads and sandwiches will never taste the same.. There is nothing like the taste of home grown tomatos'

    "No.. Hot house tomato could ever compete!

  2. oh yumm, not fair...i'm still waiting for my tomatoes to mature. it seems to take forever.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, ladies! When I first started gardening last year I was surprised at how sweet grape tomatoes could actually taste from your own backyard. Emily, I hope yours mature soon!


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