Monday, September 19, 2011

Garden Clean-Up

Technically there is still one more week of summer, but recent temperatures have been cool and very fall-like. With overnight lows in the 50s and low 60s, I think veggie production is going to slow down considerably. I think we got all we could out of our only bush bean plant--two pints! Not bad considering we started it late. Our tomato plants have slowed down a lot, but the peppers are loaded with fruit and still cranking them out. The pictures above are recent harvests of peppers and beans. Garden chores accomplished over the weekend: We cleaned a lot of pots off the deck, specifically the sunflowers and squash plants, which were dead and brown and scraggly. 
The Sweet Chocolate peppers are FINALLY starting to ripen into their dark brown color--I think. They look a little orange right now.


  1. are you doing anything for a fall garden? i had to laugh about "lows in the 50s and 60s"...those are the highest lows we get here all year. the maximum average nighttime temperature is something like 65, in august--we occasionally get nights in the 70s but that's pretty rare.

  2. Jeg kom lige forbi din blog.
    Tak for kigget.

  3. You've done really well on your vegetable garden this year. I just started my fall garden and hope it does well. I bet your peppers taste fabulous!

  4. I have also begun the veggie garden clean-up because the temps are cooler and things are fading. I planted some fall crops in their places. Your veggies look scrumptious!

  5. Apart from the late fruit and some green tomatoes everything has been finished for a while here.
    Did your sweet chocolate pepper get much darker and more importantly what does it taste like?

  6. It always feel good to get things cleaned up around the garden. My peppers are still producing, too. Your sweet chocolate peppers are very appealing, but I don't know if I am drawn to them because of their appearance or because I am sure to like anything with 'chocolate' in its name!

  7. Thanks for the nice comments, everyone. I haven't started my fall garden yet...I know, very bad! I keep telling myself that maybe this weekend I'll get to it, but the weekend goes by and I never do.

    @debsgarden--I think that's exactly why I bought those seeds. I'm more excited about the word "chocolate" than a dark brown pepper.

  8. Sweet peppers are so photogenic aren't they - makes them look good enough to eat!


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