Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The problem with strawberries... that birds and squirrels like to eat them!

I went outside to water my plants the other day and my neighbor came outside and said, "There was a squirrel digging into one of your plants and eating something red."  She sloshed her wine glass in the general direction of my strawberry plant, and sure enough, 2 of the 3 strawberries were missing. Curse the squirrel!

We've had bad luck with our strawberry plants.  We're growing them in containers, and one set had bad soil or something, and the plants died quickly. The other plants just didn't take off. They had blossoms but no fruit, then finally I saw three little berries growing on a plant on Saturday, and I left them there, thinking they might get bigger. Three days later--gone. :(

My strawberries, June 19. At least I have a picture for memories.

Last strawberry standing--of course they left the funky one.

These pictures are all that remains.


  1. Yep" I re-visit this issue every day with those Darn Squirrels!

    I wished I had the time and energy to fight these little rodents!

  2. LOL, I hate to say it, but I don't like those little rodents either. Not when they eat my food!


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