Thursday, October 6, 2011

Garden Harvest Welcome Home

The garden did well while we were on vacation. It rained a lot here, so the plants didn't get thirsty. The peppers did really, really well while we were gone, despite the cool fall temperatures that have settled around the DC area. We have more purple peppers to look forward to.

And what a wonderful homecoming gift--we harvested a couple of bell peppers, choricero peppers, a pint of cherry peppers, and a handful of cayenne, jalapeno, and green  beans when we got home last week.

I should have mentioned in my anniversary post a Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband. He's definitely the muscle in the Bumble Lush garden. He does all the heavy lifting and is always on bug patrol. I wouldn't have this garden without him. Plus, he's super cute. Love you! xoxoxoxox


  1. Wow, the garden keeps giving and giving. I'm jealous, everything here fizzled out last month.

  2. How exciting to return home to a harvest! And what sweet words you have for your husband. Happy Anniversary!

  3. The cherry peppers are adorable. What do they taste like?

  4. ooh, choricero! how was the taste?

  5. Good for you the veggies are gorgeous!

  6. A cute hubby and harvest-ready veggies? What more could you want? :o)


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