Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend in the Garden: Very Productive

weekend of 4/16

weekend of 4/23

What a great weekend! In addition to having a good weekend with friends, I also completed a lot of gardening tasks. I weeded about half the garden, plus I trimmed back the ivy and Japanese magnolia that had been bursting through the fence. It was long overdue, and Sunday was sunny and dry enough to get some of these tasks done. What a difference!

We planted giant yellow sunflower seeds in the big containers above. I also have some leftover Chianti sunflower seeds that I still need to plant. I plan to look for different varieties over the next couple of weeks to get some different colors in the garden. We plant so many vegetables, it's nice to have a few flowers around. The sunflowers also attract my favorite bugs, those little bumble lush bees.

I also added some acidic fertilizer to my hydrangea plants. The blooms are usually light to dark pink--and very pretty--but I would love to have some blue blooms. I've been adding this fertilizer for the past two springs, but no luck yet changing the pH balance of the soil to get blue flowers. Maybe I'll have better luck with the hydrangea in the container.

I also learned that my new neighbors (not the mint destroyer) have started their own vegetable garden this year. I'm very happy to have some company with this new hobby of mine.

1 comment:

  1. Yes very productive indeed Angela. It feels so good when one can get out in the sun or have at least a couple of sunny days to work out in the garden.

    I on the other hand, have not had any luck cleaning, weeding and preparing my garden. It has been raining non-stop for a month here in Michigan and nothing I have posted last April is in bloom this April.

    I have the blues, but visiting everyone's post that have things in bloom helps keep me smiling.


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