Monday, August 8, 2011

First August Weekend: Rain and Peppers

I wish I could say it's raining peppers, but no...not yet!

The first weekend in August brought nice rain showers on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Love free water.

I think August is going to be The Month of the Pepper. These golden bells are looking so good. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

We've already harvested some yummy cherry peppers.

The Sweet Chocolate peppers have buds and blooms; I'm just waiting for them to produce some peppers. We started this plant from seed and it is We [i.e., Husband] had to pick a horn worm off the plant after we noticed a million holes in the leaves. The holes remind me of that book from my childhood, The Hungry Little Caterpillar. I can't believe there was a time when I actually thought caterpillars were cute.

A more detailed post on the peppers we're growing coming soon. In the meantime, I list all the things we're growing on this page, and I note whether the veggies were bought as plants from a nursery or started from seed.


  1. Proof perfect that container veggie gardening works. Enjoy the harvest and wish you night rain and sunny days.

  2. Pooh, ask my 10 year old and she'll tell you caterpillars are cute. I love the look of the cherry peppers, must be really good right off the plant.

  3. @PatioPatch--thank you! Container gardening is great, though my veggies aren't quite as big as some that come straight out of the ground. It works for us though!

    @Adele--LOL! When I was 10 I used to let caterpillars crawl on my arms, and I thought squirrels were cute too. Now that I have a garden, they are less cute because I know what they're capable of!

  4. I think the hornworm caterpillar produces a spectacular moth that looks like a hummingbird. A few holes really won't hurt the plant! Jealous of your peppers.

  5. Thanks for checking out my blog! Glad you got some rain as well! It is back to hot and humid today, but the little break was nice! I love free water as well. Enjoyed your post today! Happy Gardening! Mindy

  6. I love those cherry peppers they are so cute, are they sweet like red bell peppers?

  7. I'm so jealous of your rain!!! Not so much your hornworm! Having a page with that information on it is genius!

  8. ooh, that looks like a delicious rainstorm. i would be tempted to prance around naked in that sort of weather. i love your cherry peppers. have you gotten any purple bells yet? i picked my first two today but i might have messed up and picked them too early, they were really small. i'm wondering if maybe they keep growing even after they turn purple.

    you don't think caterpillars are cute?! yeah they can cause some damage to plants, but that doesn't diminish their adorableness in my eyes...


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